How To Keep Your Smile Healthy For The Holidays
Hello, Holidays!
There is no time like the holiday season. When December arrives we are more likely than ever to indulge in sweet sugary goods, and other confectionary treats. This happy time of the year can actually be a really bad time for your teeth. This is why Arvay Orthodontics wants to remind you of how to keep your smile healthy for the holidays. Through some simple preventative maintenance, your smile can remain beautiful for seasons to come.
Consistently Clean
Make sure to scrub off any buildup of plaque from your teeth. Excess sugar is lurking on the surface of your teeth when you have an abundance of delicious desserts at your disposal. The best thing you can do is to brush your teeth on a regular basis and follow this up with a mouth-washing and flossing routine. Doing this will ensure healthy gums, and also prevent tooth decay which is very important. This also means following up with your dental and orthodontic practice to stay on top of your health well into the next year! (Wink-Wink)
Avoid Staining Teeth
Sometimes we have a few drinks around the holidays or even smoke a celebratory cigar. This is a great recipe to stain your beautiful smile. Keep these activities to a minimum and be certain that you follow up with healthful practices to remove residue from your teeth. Adult treatment is able to help restore your beautiful smile to its full capacity!
Give the Gift of a Straighter Smile
Keep your smile healthy for the holidays. If your loved ones could benefit from orthodontic treatment this holiday season, we have great news for you! Our care is convenient and affordable. Our patients see guaranteed results that are sure to make a positive impact. Arvay Orthodontics is your practice. If you’d like to learn more, you can easily schedule a complimentary appointment to learn more! Arvay Orthodontics wishes everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!